Sunday, May 22, 2016

Warm Weather and Running Water!

Last week we were cancelled due to a deluge of rain, but we got out this week and enjoyed the results of the rain, mainly that the creek was still running. The children found some sort of eggs under a rock which we made sure to return to safety, built bridges, and walked through the water. There was a lot of pretend play, particularly when a child sat on the tall stump (remember king of the kong?) and gave orders to others clustered around. "Go and get me some magic flowers."

 that skunk cabbage!

Those sunglasses!

Until Next Time,

Friday, May 6, 2016

Running Water and Muddy Boots

We were out in the sprinkling rain exploring a small creek and creating fast and slow flowing water. Some children got a little bit wet, but everyone was engaged and very busy.

 Giving children the time and space to explore, wander, climb, and discover is what muddy boots club is all about!

Until Next Time,