Saturday, March 29, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring!

 lot of moving in the woods today, important things to do! The camera caught mostly the backs of children moving along!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Winter Wonders

It's only a week until spring officially begins, but we found a lot to do in the winter wonderland outdoors today. The weather was relatively mild, and we were all excited to bundle up and get out there. Sticks were a big part of our play today! (click on it!!!)
a great way to move if it's slippery!

snowy boots helper!

a drawing made with a stick.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hello Snow!

We played outside! After a long stretch of too cold weather, our group got outside to explore the snow. We climbed on the stump and jumped off, dug in the snow, threw the snow, laid down in the snow, rolled in the snow, and ran in the snow. We noticed tracks and animal homes that were dug into the snow. What a nice time we had in the snow!
Until Next Time,
here we go!

chugging along
climbing up all by ourselves!

a high place to climb to!

the snowball covered tree behind the children is all the work of one child!